The Pony Club Polocrosse Arena Challenge is normally held in March/ April each year. Held in the Super Arena at Dallas Burston Polo Club this event always proves a great way to start the polocrosse season.
The 2024 Event will take place on the 27th/ 28th of April 2024. The entry form and schedule will appear here shortly!
The write up and full results from 2023 can be found on our News Pages here
Classes are run for:
- Minis – Members 12 and under, ponies under 138cm),
- Juniors – Members 15 and under, horses of any height
- Seniors – Members of any age, horses over 138cm.
If entry numbers allow these classes will be split into Novice and Open sections to ensure that players play against players of a similar standard and have an enjoyable weekend.
Both full sections and individual player entries are welcome. Any individual players we look to put into appropriate teams.